
Make yourself comfortable and enjoy your stay! Read on to learn about the collection inspiration, or skip to the bottom to start shopping!


Infused with humor and uplifting color, Little Comforts is a small record of an uncertain time, viewed through a hopeful and optimistic lens.

Picture it.

It’s March of 2020 and suddenly you’ve been asked to STAY AT HOME. Maybe you made one last trip to the store to stock up, unsure of what was to come. Maybe you got there and staple items were already picked over? Maybe what you miss most can’t be bought in a store?

Little Comforts is a mini collection of mixed media paintings inspired by what YOU said you wished you had more of. This has changed from week to week, from toilet paper to company, butter to elastic for sewing masks.


Signaling both scarcity and the inability to go out in search of supplies, this collection was created using supplies on-hand including found paper scraps, lesser used tubes of paint, and previously started but set-aside artwork. I found myself, like most of us, making the most of what I have while day-dreaming about what I didn’t have. Let these Little Comforts be an enduring reminder to not take them, or each other, for granted again.


Thank you for visiting. I’m so glad you’re here!


While you’re here, enjoy some other newly listed original artworks!